
How to Stage a Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most cherished areas of a home. Loved ones gather around to break bread and be in company with one another. It tends to be the room where everyone gathers, whether family or friends. Buyers often place great importance on the kitchen when they view homes. When walking through a kitchen of a home they like, people often ask themselves: “Can I see myself cooking for my family in here?” or “Is there enough space for my appliances?” The kitchen can really be a deal-breaker for buyers, which is why it’s important to stage it properly! Realty Unleashed stages your Edmonton home for free when you list with us. But, if you’re reading this and don’t live in Edmonton or Calgary, then keep reading to learn a few tips about bringing your kitchen to life when listing your home!

First things first, deep clean.

We all know how good a clean kitchen feels. There is nothing quite like a glistening sink or stainless steel appliances with no sign of fingerprints. Deep cleaning is the foundation of the Edmonton staging process, especially in the kitchen. Buyers open cupboards and look underneath the sink, so make sure you’re cleaning everywhere! If you’re looking for some rock-solid cleaning tips, check out Go Clean Co. Our specially trained curb appeal crew has used many of Go Clean Co’s easy and accessible cleaning practices. 

Keep the statements tasteful.

Modern Kitchen

An empty kitchen is not the best way to invite people in. You can place a few things on the counters to make your space look welcoming and warm. For example, think about putting a tea kettle on the stove, a few cookbooks on the counter, and a vase with fresh flowers on your dining table. If you have open shelves in your kitchen, decorate them with a few plates and simple decor pieces.

Make it meaningful yet impersonal.

The psychology behind staging a home is that you’re giving buyers the chance to see how each room can be used. By setting up furniture a certain way, they can walk through your home and say, “Oh yes, this room will make a great nursery,” for instance. You want to be very intentional when you stage your spaces. There is a lot of value in keeping the kitchen practical. As we mentioned above, a few cookbooks and a tea kettle are the kinds of statements you want to capitalize on. Remove wedding invitations hanging on the fridge and the whiteboard with your kids’ chores. Buyers want to see how they can see their life in your home. They don’t want to see family photos and trinkets; it distracts their vision.

Lighting is key.

Many homes have older lighting fixtures, especially in the kitchen. If your kitchen or dining room has fluorescent lights, get rid of them. Not only are fluorescent lights unflattering, but they really are vastly outdated. No one wants a dingy and dark cooking space. Make it bright and clean simply by switching out the bulbs! Refrain from bulbs that radiate a yellow glow; buyers will quickly notice how the lighting feels in the kitchen. You want to look for bulbs that make your kitchen feel bright, clear, and clean. 

Paint what you can.

Living room

For most people, it’s essential to stay within a budget when making updates to a home you’re selling. If you have the financial room to replace cabinets or countertops completely, that’s great! But the truth is that’s just not practical for every seller; a little bit of paint goes a long way. Consider grabbing some paint and a brush if your cabinets look beat up and your baseboards are chipped. 

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