Home staging in Edmonton

5 Home Staging Tips to Sell Your House Fast

Home staging in Edmonton is a critical aspect of the listing and selling process. Staged homes often perform better on the market because staging allows buyers to imagine themselves living in your home. We offer free home staging in Edmonton and Calgary because we know the value it offers to our sellers! Home staging aims to present your home in the best possible light, showcasing any features and creating a welcoming atmosphere that appeals to the most buyers. Here are 5 of our best home staging tips to help sell your home fast.

Begin with curb appeal!

Curb appeal is often overlooked when talking about home staging in Edmonton, but first impressions matter, which means so does curb appeal. Stand outside your house and try to look at it with as little bias as possible. Should you give your front door a fresh coat of paint? How does your roof look? Do you need to pull weeds or mow your lawn? Are your walks shovelled and salted? Ask yourself these questions and think about potential buyers when answering them. A few other things you can remember when tending to your curb appeal are filling empty flower beds, sweeping your porch, or adding a new welcome mat to the front door!

Depersonalize each and every room.

Dining table

Potential buyers need to be able to envision themselves in your home. If they walk through your house and see a plethora of personal items, it becomes tough for them to imagine their families living there. Take down your family photos, remove wedding invitations or kids’ artwork from the fridge, and remove anything else that is distracting from each room. Pack away these items for your new home and replace them with neutral, minimalist photos and decor. Taking yourself out of the house allows buyers to use their imaginations and mentally decorate each room how they see fit.

Rearrange existing furniture.

Home staging in Edmonton aims to create a layout that maximizes space, highlights the best features of each room, and lets buyers imagine themselves living there. Place your furniture in a way that encourages flow and openness; create conversational areas in the living room by arranging sofas and chairs in a welcoming and inviting way. Pull your furniture away from the walls to highlight any depth or dimension of the room. By thoughtfully arranging furniture, you can showcase the functionality and potential of each room, making it easier for buyers to envision themselves living in your home.

Fill empty spaces without overcrowding.

house bedroom

Defining each room is important, but there is a fine line between too much furniture and just enough. Keep it minimal by adding items that are necessary for each room – if you’re staging a kids’ bedroom, that would include a bed, a nightstand, and a lamp. If there is room to spare without having too much clutter, you can add a plant for colour, a cute portrait on the wall, or even an armchair or a couch. Keeping the room simple is key while still making sure that buyers can see how the room can be used.

Good lighting is essential!

Good lighting can seriously impact a home’s overall atmosphere and charm! Start by maximizing natural light where you can, which is always better than artificial light. Open the blinds and curtains, trim any trees or shrubs outside that obstruct natural light from entering your house, and clean your windows so they are sparkling! While natural light is best, sometimes we have to use artificial light; consider adding inexpensive light fixtures like floor lamps, table lamps, or even string lights across your back deck to give your home a warm and welcoming vibe! Replace outdated, yellow-toned bulbs with white-toned bulbs, which will immediately give your home a facelift!

Realty Unleashed offers free home staging in Edmonton and Calgary!

Free home staging in Edmonton

Many moving parts go into home staging, but the good news is that Realty Unleashed offers free home staging in Edmonton and Calgary! When you list your home with us, we stage it, clean it, take care of eco-station and donation centre runs, shovel your walks or mow your lawn, depending on the season, and much more. We include all of these things in our listing services because we know the value of a well-kept home, and we know these kinds of homes tend to spend less time on the market, selling for more money. If you are looking for a REALTOR® in Edmonton or Calgary, we’d love to hear from you! You can fill out the form below, and someone from our team will get back to you shortly.

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