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5 Steps to Get Your House Ready for Showings

Getting your home ready for showings is a pivotal step in the selling process. It is the moment when you can showcase your home in its best possible, making a lasting, positive impression on potential buyers. Here are our 5 steps to get your Calgary home ready for showings!

Clean + declutter

A thorough cleaning involves more than just tidying up. When preparing your home for showings, you will need to clean the floors, windows, surfaces, and often-overlooked spots like baseboards and light fixtures. A pristine environment not only looks better but it also gives the impression of a well-maintained home. Decluttering is the next step in the process, and this is where you will clear out any extra belongings, personal items, and unneeded furniture to make rooms appear more spacious and inviting! Clearing out clutter allows potential buyers to focus on the property rather than being distracted by your personal items. Cleaning and decluttering your home helps possible buyers imagine their own belongings in every room, which is essential for making a positive impression during showings!

Stage your home

home staging in Calgary

Home staging in Calgary creates a visual and emotional connection between buyers and your home. Professional home stagers will arrange furniture strategically, choose decor and artwork highlighting your home’s features, and ensure each room is given purpose. You can stage your home on your own, too! Make sure that furniture placement creates a sense of spaciousness, depersonalize every room, and get as minimal as possible while still allowing buyers to see how the home can be used. Realty Unleashed offers free home staging in Calgary; if you are looking for a REALTOR® to sell your home who will stage it as well, you can contact us here!

Fix any repairs

Addressing any minor repairs and maintenance issues prior to showings will go a long way when buyers visit your home! Fixing anything from leaky faucets to loose cabinet handles to squeaky doors might seem unnecessary to you, but these fixes can significantly impact the perception of your home. It shows buyers that your home has been well-maintained and cared for! Ensuring these systems are in good working order can provide peace of mind to buyers, which is paramount when they are preparing to make an offer on your home.

Curb appeal matters

51 Leonard DR

The outside of your home implies what the inside will look like; if your exterior looks run-down, buyers may not even take the time to look at the interior. If you are listing your home in the summertime, make sure to mow the lawn, edge around the sidewalks and driveway, trim your hedges and ensure everything looks well-kept. If you are listing in the winter, shovel and salt your walks and driveway, ensuring buyers can walk up to your home safely. Replace your doormat with a new one and give your front door a good wipe-down for bonus points.

Set the mood

Before each showing, open your curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. Lighting is very important in making your home feel warm and welcoming, so artificial light will do fine if natural light isn’t an option. Make sure all of your light fixtures work, and replace any dull, yellow-toned bulbs with white-toned bulbs. You can never go wrong with adding fresh flowers to liven up the room! When you combine these extra steps, you are creating an incredibly positive sensory experience that buyers will remember!

Realty Unleashed can help you sell your Calgary home!


As we mentioned earlier, Realty Unleashed offers free home staging in Calgary and free home staging in Edmonton. We believe in the value of home staging because we have seen it work time and time again. We also take care of your junk removal, your listing and move-out clean, your curb appeal, and much more. If you are looking for a Calgary REALTOR® to help sell your home, we would love to hear from you! Please fill out the form below; someone from our team will get back to you soon!

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