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How to Prepare Your Home for Sale in Edmonton

Preparing your home for sale in Edmonton requires a lot of energy, time, and resources. Every seller wants their home to sell fast and for the most money, but to achieve this, you must focus on the prep work! Depersonalizing, decluttering, home staging, and curb appeal are a few things you can do before you list your property.

Depersonalize each room.

Preparing your home for sale in Edmonton begins with depersonalizing each room. Buyers want to walk into an impersonal home so that they can imagine living there with their family. Remove family photos from the walls and pack away any personal heirlooms or objects that can be distracting for a buyer. Depersonalizing your home makes it easier for buyers to picture their belongings in your home. It’s important that buyers can walk into a home and envision their life in it, and it is challenging to do this when the house is filled with another person’s personal belongings and mementos.

Tidy, organize and get minimal.

In most cases, closets and cabinets are considered storage. Buyers will be curious about what your home offers regarding storage, so it’s good practice to clear out closets and organize them accordingly. If you open your kitchen cupboards and find that your dishes look squished, take some dishware out and organize the cupboard so everything inside looks easily accessible and tidy. For any items in your home that you don’t see a purpose for anymore, it’s time to get rid of it. Make a trip to your local donation center, or put anything valuable on Facebook Marketplace. Get minimal when you are preparing your home for sale in Edmonton – it will save you time during your move!

Stage your home.

home for sale in edmonton

The idea that an empty room will look bigger than it would with furniture is simply not true. With that said, too much furniture and clutter can make a room look smaller. For example, if you are preparing to stage a living room, your basics are a couch, coffee table, and a lamp; these are the necessities of a room to visit with loved ones and relax. Tasteful additions to a living room would be a rug for texture, a lamp for extra lighting, a plant for colour, and a photo on the wall to fill space. Buyers need to see the essentials of a room and the space to add more, should they wish. Less is more is the way to go; you don’t need to clear out a room, but you also don’t need to fill it. There is a sweet spot with just the necessities and refined details.

How is your curb appeal?

The outside of your home is a good indicator of the inside, so you should focus on curb appeal. Make the exterior more appealing and welcoming by adding a fresh coat of paint to your front door if needed, or even just taking a magic eraser and giving it a good wipe. Depending on the season, shovel and salt your walks or mow the lawn. The first 5 seconds matter, so make sure when a buyer drives up to your house for a showing that what they see on the outside is a well-kept yard.

Here are a few curb-appeal things to consider when preparing your home for sale in Edmonton:

  • How does my roof look? Are the shingles intact?
  • Does my lawn need to be mowed?
  • Do my walks need to be shovelled?
  • Are my light fixtures outdated?
  • Should I re-paint my front door?
  • Are there overgrown plants or shrubs that take away from the attractiveness of my home?

Realty Unleashed can help you prepare your home for sale in Edmonton!


Realty Unleashed offers free home staging in Edmonton and Calgary! When you list your home with us, we stage it, clean it, take care of eco-station and donation centre runs, shovel your walks or mow your lawn, depending on the season, and much more. We include all of these things in our listing services because we know the value of a well-kept home, and we know these kinds of homes tend to spend less time on the market, selling for more money. If you are looking for a REALTOR® in Edmonton or Calgary, we’d love to hear from you! You can fill out the form below, and someone from our team will get back to you shortly.

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